Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Week 3: Citizenship- the individual and their place in society

Historical background: life, liberty and property. The Bill of Rights (1688). Civil society- freedom of association: clubs factions, pressure groups, movements. Right to trial by jury- no arbitrary arrests.

Formal citizenship rights- are they meaningful? From ‘protection under the law’ to political and social rights. Guaranteed minimum levels of income, health, housing, education…the welfare state as conferring rights (Roberts, 2001, p.16)

Social exclusion- lack of ability to access and disappearance of welfare rights. Lack of access to normal expectations… Townsend. Civil society as involving networks of influence (Miliband, Weber’s status groups etc.)

Political Exclusion- the active citizen, is it a myth? How far are we involved in the decision-making processes that affect our lives? Pressure groups, social movements, direct action

The Public Sphere- where can we engage with decision-makers, people with power- in- government (politicians). What’s happened to the public sphere? Role of the media in social interaction, inclusion of the public.

Habermas- the colonisation of the lifeworld (everyday life): government and business have taken over our ability to make rational decisions. Spectacle, celebrity rather than informed debate about key issues.

The Media- dumbing down, multinational media manipulation, satellite and cable. Citizens TV and radio. The local and the global, interacting with the media or passive recipients? The Internet- reappropriation of the media..blogs, Youtube etc. Virtual community, global citizenship and the end of national boundaries. Re-localisation.

Economic changes- privatisation of the public sector, subcontracting local and national government services. Weakening public control.

The disappearance of public space- ownership of shopping precincts. Malls, complexes by private organisations rather than local government. Right of individuals to act freely in these spaces.

Formal and informal influence- trade unions, social movements etc.


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